InMotion is your Wraps Specialist in Las Vegas
Outdoor Advertising trends are growing fast! Vehicle Advertising Wraps are a big part of the growth. If you’re not taking advantage of Outdoor Advertising you’re competing against it. Car Wraps and the larger Vehicle Fleet Wraps are at the forefront of this growth.
According to an article by The Outdoor Advertising Association of America, OAAA, Vehicle Wraps reach more consumers at a lower Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM) than any other form of outdoor advertising. A study by 3M found the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) to be $0.77 for Vehicle Wraps and the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for Fleet Wraps is even lower at $0.48. That’s a lower cost than any other form of advertising.
On a daily basis Car Wraps can generate between 30,000 – 70,000 daily impressions. A study performed by The American Trucking Association also found 98% of vehicle fleet graphics left a positive image on it’s viewers. This boils down to the most efficient, low cost, effective advertising solution for your advertising budget.
So, let your competitors compete against your winning Vehicle Wraps from InMotion Wraps. Contact Us Today.
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